Introduction to Tapas : crumbed sardines

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In preparation for any approaching evening of drinking, gossiping and eating delicious h’ourderves, appetisers, tapas – what ever you wana call them – I like to experiment some days in advance to avoid kitchen mayhem on the night, when there’s waay more important things to be doing – like creating the right atmosphere for sunset drinks on the balcony, or co-ordinating the perfect outfit!

Today in a very productive half hour, have not only created a divine new tapas dish (practiced to put together in a flash) have also made a pretty damn tasty Sunday afternoon snack, to have straight away hot- or cold later…perhaps on crackers with mayonaise and sliced tomato…yum! These guys are made with basic basic ingredients, already sitting in the cupboard and fridge.

  • Can of sardines in oil
  • Olive oil
  • 1 egg
  • Salt and pepper
  • Flour
  • Breadcrumbs

Drain the oil from the can of sardines into a frying pan and a splash of olive oil too. Mix egg with salt n pepper. Coat each sardine piece in egg, then flour, then egg again, then breadcrumbs.

Fry in frypan till brown. Serve in the tin so guests know what they are eating and get a shock when they taste so good!

More tasty tapas to be continued….